Home / Catalogue / Brezzo Honeys/Italian Cherry Honey
Brezzo Honeys

Italian Cherry Honey

Periodo di raccolta: April

Zona di raccolta: Piedmont

Consistenza: Fine crystallization

Colore: Amber from liquid, from light beige to dark beige from crystallized

Profumo: Wood, toasted dried fruit

Sapore: Cherry stone, almond

Peso Netto: 500g

Termine scadenza: 30 months


Cherry honey combines a delicate and pleasant taste with quite marked characteristics that make it generally highly appreciated.
The taste is very delicate and reminiscent of almonds, the color ranges from white to greyish. The crystallization is fine, in a soft mass and pleasant on the palate.

Cherry honey is one of the first honeys of the year produced in Northern Italy, when the flowering trees of wild cherry are white spots in the woods that have just come out of winter hibernation. Unfortunately, the early flowering period does not allow for abundant harvests.

Flower (Latin): PrunusAvium (Rosaceae)


Excellent with medium-aged soft cheeses.

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