Home / Catalogue / Brezzo Honeys/Italian Asphodel Honey
Brezzo Honeys

Italian Asphodel Honey

Periodo di raccolta: March-April

Zona di raccolta: Sardinia

Consistenza: Fine crystallization

Colore: Straw yellow from liquid; light beige from crystallized

Profumo: Vegetable, slightly pungent

Sapore: Of hay, of cotton candy with characteristics between the floral and the vegetable

Peso Netto: 250g, 500g

Termine scadenza: 30 months


The term asphodel derives from the Greek and literally means �valley of what is not reduced to ashes�. In fact, the asodeles, although they grow in areas particularly subject to fires, do not go up in flames. For the ancient Greeks and Romans it was a sacred plant and symbolized the resurrection of the dead and was used to decorate tombs

Flower (Latin): Asphodelus Microcarpus (Liliaceae)


Ideal for breakfast, in herbal teas and coffee, excellent in combination with both fresh and aged cheeses, recommended for fish marinades.

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