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Brezzo Honeys

Lavender Honey

Periodo di raccolta: Jily

Zona di raccolta: Liguria and Provence

Consistenza: Soft crystallization with medium-fine crystals

Colore: Straw yellow when liquid, mother-of-pearl ivory when crystallized

Profumo: Aromatic plants, chamomile flowers

Sapore: Floral, fruity, reminiscent of passion fruit and ripe fig

Peso Netto: 250g, 500g

Termine scadenza: 30 months


Lavender honey is undoubtedly one of the finest honeys that can be found on the market. The color is light yellow and crystallization is very rapid and with fine crystals, very pleasant on the palate as it has a soft and creamy consistency.

The most characteristic note is given by the perfume that recalls the lavender flower and with a very delicate flavor. This feature makes it immediately recognizable and highly appreciated by consumers.

Unifloral lavender honey is mainly produced on the so-called Lavandino genus, the result of the cross between the spik and the actual lavender. There are small concentrations of lavender on horseback in Piedmont and Liguria but not sufficient to produce a monofloral honey. To obtain a true monofloral lavender honey, it is necessary to go to Provence where it is still intensively cultivated.

Flower (Latin): Lavandula (Labiatae)


Suitable for cakes such as pies, it goes well with wholemeal bread and desserts. Excellent in combination with fresh cheeses.