Home / Catalogue / Brezzo Honeys/Italian Thyme Honey
Brezzo Honeys

Italian Thyme Honey

Periodo di raccolta: June

Zona di raccolta: Sicily

Consistenza: Crystallized

Colore: Beige

Profumo: Delicate, with aromatic herbs

Sapore: Thyme, dried aromatic herbs

Peso Netto: 250g, 500g

Termine scadenza: 30 months


Thyme honey is harvested in the arid areas of eastern Sicily (mainly in the area of ??the Iblei mountains) at the beginning of summer. Thyme honey has a particularly strong and peculiar aroma, very persistent, pleasantly pungent. For this reason it is highly appreciated by loyal connoisseurs, willing to expressly seek out this variety.

Thyme honey is characterized by a marked thymol aroma immediately noticeable on the palate, with an aftertaste of dried aromatic herbs. The color is dark enough for liquid honey and tends to lighten in solidified honey. Due to its characteristics it is recommended in combination with cheeses with a strong and marked flavor, such as seasoned and spicy ones.


Thyme honey can have various uses in gastronomy, in particular in combination with seasoned and spicy cheeses.