Home / Catalogue / Brezzo Honeys/Italian Rhododendron Honey
Brezzo Honeys

Italian Rhododendron Honey

Periodo di raccolta: June-July

Zona di raccolta: Piedmont

Consistenza: Fine crystallization in compact mass

Colore: Light straw yellow when liquid, from white to light beige when crystallized

Profumo: Weak, fruity with a slight vegetal note

Sapore: Very delicate, of sugar syrup, vegetable, of berry jam

Peso Netto: 250g, 500g

Termine scadenza: 30 months


Rhododendron is one of the most sought after and valuable honeys because it is produced only in some Alps valleys between 1000 and 2500 meters. Of all the Italian honeys, it is therefore the one that is produced at the highest altitude.

At this altitude the risks are different (the temperatures at night drop to a few degrees above zero and in general the weather is very variable so that it often happens to find snow), this makes the work of the bees and the harvest particularly difficult. The honey, however, is of such delicacy and quality as to repay the beekeeper for all his efforts.

The color is clear, the crystallization fine and creamy, with pleasant crystals on the palate. In the mouth the sensations are all pleasant and the sweet taste very strong. The delicacy of the aroma is enhanced by a fresh and floral note.

Flower (Latin): Rhododendron (Ericaceae)


Exceptional combined with mountain cheeses, ideal for sweetening herbal teas and sweet drinks, for flans and fruit desserts.

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