Home / Catalogue / Brezzo Honeys/Italian Fir Honeydew
Brezzo Honeys

Italian Fir Honeydew

Periodo di raccolta: July-August

Zona di raccolta: Piedmont

Consistenza: No crystallization

Colore: Dark amber with greenish reflections

Profumo: Balsamic, aromatic, wood, resin, slightly smoky

Sapore: Slightly sweet, with malt, condensed milk, panna cotta, caramel

Peso Netto: 250g, 500g

Termine scadenza: 30 months


The fir honeydew is produced both on spruces (typical of the Alps) and on silver firs (common in the Apennines). While in Italy light honeys tend to be preferred, in many Northern European countries, such as Germany, fir honeydew is considered the best honey.

It has a dark color with greenish reflections. It is highly appreciated for its balsamic and resin scent and for its aromatic note. The flavor is less sweet than other honeys, with a medium intensity and very persistent aroma.

Fir honeydew remains liquid for a very long time. It is to be considered a fairly rare honey as production is often erratic due to adverse weather conditions. Fir honeydew is particularly rich in mineral salts.

Flower (Latin): Abies Alba, Picea Excelsa (Pinaceae)


Excellent as table honey spread on ebony black bread. It goes well with fontina and more aged cheeses or accompanied by a slice of lard.