Home / Catalogue / Brezzo Honeys/Italian Clover Honey
Brezzo Honeys

Italian Clover Honey

Periodo di raccolta: May - July

Zona di raccolta: Piemonte

Consistenza: Crystallized

Colore: From very clear to straw yellow

Profumo: Delicate, vegetal, with white flowers

Sapore: Fresh, delicate, of milk candy

Peso Netto: 500g

Termine scadenza: 30 months


Clover honey is harvested during the summer season. The most suitable collection area for this type of honey is the Po Valley. Color is very clear and ranges from almost white to straw yellow.

The peculiarity of this honey is the very delicate, vaguely vegetable aroma and flavor. In mouth it gives a sensation of freshness and closely resembles a milk candy. Precisely for these delicate and not very marked characteristics it is a popular table honey and is well suited for sweetening drinks in place of sugar, as well as in the preparation of desserts and infusions.

Pure Clover honey is increasingly difficult to find due to the thinning of the meadows of a single crop. For this reason, this honey is becoming rather rare and valuable.


Excellent combined with soft and semi-hard goat cheeses and all cow's milk cheeses.

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