

Six herb and spice recipes expertly mixed, ideal to season or flavor the most different dishes. In this triumph of tastes and scents you go from the classic Garlic, Oil and Chili, one of the Italian recipes par excellence, ideal for a simple and tasty pasta dish, Spaghettata, tomato mix, chili pepper, onion, Parsley and garlic expertly dosed and ready to season a fabolous dish of spaghetti. Then there is Soffritto a mix of herbs, carrots, onions, celery and chili, ideal base for all sauces and for cooking meat, fish and vegetable dishes. The range is completed by Spices for Roast Meat (garlic, rosemary, sage, juniper, thyme and basil), Spices for Meat (rosemary, origan, tomato, basil and marjoram) and Mix for Grill (basil, origan, rosemary, marjoram) high-quality blend of spices ideal for seasoning grilled meat and fish.

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    Product image Name Ingredients Weight Expiration
    Spices for Roast Garlic, rosemary, sage, juniper, thyme, basil. 40g 30 months
    Spaghettata (spices for pasta) Tomato, chilli pepper, garlic, onion, parsley. 50g 30 months
    Seasoning for Meat Rosemary, oregan, tomato, basil, marjoram. 35g 30 months
    Barbecue spices Rosemary, oregan, tomato, basil, marjoram. 35g 30 months
    Spices for fried Carrot, onion, celery, leek, rosemary, parsley, basil, tomato. 55g 30 months
    Garlic, Oil and Hot Pepper Chilly pepper 70%, Garlic 25%, Parsley. 40g 30 months